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Celebrity Spotting: Bill Clinton and The Chatwals

Celebrity Spotting: Bill Clinton and The Chatwals

Malini Agarwal
Bill Clinton and Priya  and Vikram Chatwal
Bill Clinton and Priya and Vikram Chatwal
Bill Clinton and Sant Chatwal
Bill Clinton and Sant Chatwal

The Chatwal NY recently launched and guess who came to dinner? Guest of honor President Bill Clinton! Also in attendance were Vikram & Priya  Chatwal (with their daughter), Sant Singh Chatwal, Chef Geoffrey Zakarian, Margaret Zakarian, Jeffrey Jah, Will Regan and David Rabin. (President Clinton stopped by to deliver a speech for fellow Democrat Congressman Kendrick Meek.)
Psst! I can’t help but recall Vikram’s Zoolander cameo whenever I see his picture 🙂