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MissMalini’s Bitter Mango.

MissMalini’s Bitter Mango.

Malini Agarwal
Mango Satin Body Con Dress
Mango Satin Body Con Dress

I’m not a hater, you know that; but what a shocker when my all time favorite clothing store Mango totally let me down in Mumbai 🙁 The thing is I’m not particularly surprised at the snooty service at these stores anymore (because if you go shopping in your tattered unbranded jeans and sans makeup the sales girls often won’t give you the time of day in front of say, lady in full pancake and Jimmy Choos). But imagine my dismay when I find the perfect (and I mean purrfect) dress to wear to my party on Thursday and leave it at the store to be altered only to return three days later to find that my darling dress has been mercilessly manhandled.

(You know those million little breaks you get in the fabric if it catches on something?) As I point this out to the cashier I assume they will fix it/replace it/acknowledge the problem it’s Mango after all! No such luck. I get a matter-of-fact “well we already altered it”, and after several exasperated minutes where I’m explaining that I have never actually even taken the dress home so how is this my fault? I am told to come back tomorrow and see what the store manager says. So I’m down 5,000rs and no dress for Thursday. I have to say its not looking good and boy am I glad Zara is opening in Mumbai. *fingers crossed* their manager has some sort of people skills because I’m having my Pretty Woman moment right about now! Wish me luck, I’ll post the outcome of my Mango-dress saga here tomorrow.

(You know what’s really tragic though? While I was there I bought another dress, doh!)

Mango Metallic Sequin One Shoulder Dress