If you recall Priyanka Chopra was off celebrating 125 years of Bvlgari with their “Save the Children” campaign. The symbol of Bvlgari’s commitment to Save the Children (and a tribute to the silversmith origins of Sotirio Bulgari, the company’s founder) is a silver ring created especially for the campaign and features the Save the Children logo engraved inside. Priyanka Chopra wore one at the press conference (along with her precious smile.) Now while I know for some this is may be an endeavor close to your hearts, others understandably just want to see what Miss Piggy looks like these days. So here’s a bit of both!

As part of the initiatives scheduled for 2009 to celebrate the 125th anniversary of its foundation, Bvlgari has chosen to support the “Rewrite the Future” campaign of Save the Children, the largest independent international organization for the defense and championing of children’s rights, present in over 100 countries around the world. Internationally the project has found support in many noted celebrities such as Ben Stiller, Mischa Barton, Debra Messing, Terrance Howard, Ronaldhino, Isabella Rossellini, Julianne Moore, Benicio Del Toro, Sally Field, Sting, Willem Dafoe, Rosario Fiorello, Gabriele Muccino, Andy Garcia, Valeria Golino, Fabrizio Ferri, Jason Lewis, Ginnifer Goodwin, Eddie Van Halen and even Barbie!

Speaking on her association Priyanka Chopra said, “I’m delighted to join this illustrious group of supporters for this very deserving cause. It goes without saying that children are our future and we need to do whatever it takes to ensure that they have a chance for a better future by educating them and protecting their rights. I am very proud to be a part of this initiative with BVLGARI and Save the Children, which touches the lives of millions of children across the world. I firmly believe that every little step we take will make a difference in the long run.”

FYI the ring is available in all Bvlgari stores in India and throughout the world, in some selected department stores. Priced at 20,100rs ($412) this trendy (and oh-so-politically correct) piece of jewelry will be available across the world until December 30th. Kinda reminds of the Lord of the Rings (just this one’ s a bit more precious.) Want one? Click here. Apparently available online for the bargain prize of 14,134rs ($290!) If you’re gonna do it, I personally like the small band better.
More about “Save the Children – Rewrite the Future”
Save the Children is committed to providing within 2010 quality education to 8 million children living in conflict-affected areas. Thanks to the campaign, up to now Save the Children has rebuilt schools, supplied school materials and protected children from abuse and exploitation, paving the way for a durable change in the life of almost 6 million children. Nicely done!