On Saturday Hotel Sahara Star, Mumbai boasted of a newly amplified nightclub at the High Lounge (which, to the untrained eye looked pretty much like it always has but what do I know.) Despite the downpour (and major flooding near the airport) the party was attended by Pervez Damania, Tulip Joshi with her boyfriend Captain Vinod Nayar, Viren Shah, Kishen Mulchandani, Zulfi Sayed, Rocky S., Mink, Pratiyasha Bhole and Hazel while DJ Wilbur did several shout outs to Vivek Kumar – CEO Hotel Sahara Star for “a rocking night!”

Psst! If you’re wondering who these people are, apart from usually being the most extravagantly (to put it mildly) dressed at a party Rehan Shah is a designer and Jennifer Mayani is a model.
The relaunch went on for ages (ina good way) and the more we drank the more fun it got 🙂 there were even some can-can dancing girls thrown into the mix with several costume changes (one particularly hilarious one involved pink bonnets and lots of hopping around to what sounded like The Nutcracker soundtrack. Whatever does it for you I suppose!)
Party Bonus: Visit High Lounge from (10:00 p.m. to 3:00 am)