Guess what, guess what?! This just if from Digital Spy Aamir Khan has reportedly been approached by Danny Boyle to star in the Slumdog Millionaire director’s next feature. Boyle was in India to rescue the film’s young stars Rubina Ali and Azhauddin Mohammed Ismail, after their eviction from their shanty town home. Khan had returned to Mumbai for a short stay, following a vacation in the US.
The director reportedly had a short meeting with the actor, before hosting a party for the Slumdog Millionaire cast. Boyle allegedly first met Khan during the Slumdog premiere in India. Khan is best known for his role in Lagaan. Only the third Bollywood film to have been nominated for an Oscar. He is rumored to be starring alongside Kate Winslet in Pan Nalin’s forthcoming partition film.
(Hmm not really if you’re a true blue Aamir Khan fan but I suppose that’s what the International media know him for, it’s Andaz Apna Apna all the way for me!)
The other thing I heard was that it might be a film based on the Suketu Mehta’s novel “Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found.” Sort of a modern-day thriller set largely at night when its inhabitants are asleep. I wonder if this is a bid to rival director Mira Nair’s movie based on the Australian Gregory David Roberts‘ “Shantaram” starring Johnny Depp?

Of course no mention on Aamir’s latest blog posted yesterday (but he’s hardly the type to jump the gun now is he?)
I like his blog, it’s very chatty.. he says, “Well all good things must come to an end and I am back to work from tomorrow. Actual shooting work, though, starts around the 15th of June, and I have to confess that these last 2 months I have missed the other Idiots.
Have played quite a few board games these past few weeks. Have you guys tried Settlers Of Catan? I think that’s my top favorite. Followed by Age Of Empires, Carrcassonne and Scotland Yard. These are all group games needing 4 to 6 players. Good fun. Would love your suggestions on board games you think I should try.
(Partini try Partini! Hahaha.)
Most disturbing to hear about racist attacks on Indians living in Australia. Quite a shame. While this doesn’t mean that all Australians are racists, the frequency and seriousness of such attacks, I think, calls for an extra ordinary reaction from the Australian authorities. And while we want action to be taken by authorities in Australia, equally we should remember all the various crimes against foreigners who visit India. Let us hope and pray that Shravan recovers soon.
I see that Glen my skiing instructor has joined us. Well Glen if you are reading this you need to corroborate all my skiing achievements. Nobody here seems to believe that I was doing Black slopes on Day 4. Actually I suspect it was Day 3.
(I didn’t know he could ski! Love it.)
Well I’m back folks.
Hello hello hello. 🙂 ”

P.S. Kinda cute that Aamir chose to do 3 idiots because his wife Kiran Rao happened to pick it up off his desk piled with scripts and ended up rolling on the floor laughing while reading it 🙂 apparently his curiosity got the better of him he read it too and ended up on the floor beside her!