So I’m off to Hard Rock Cafe tonight to co-host the festivities as Rolling Stone India clocks in a year of business in India. I have a confession to make. No matter how many times I’ve emceed gigs I always feel the same butterflies in my stomach moments before I turn on my microphone. In fact I met a sweet college student at the last gig I hosted (where I had to interview a very grumpy Kareena Kapoor about her “beauty regime” with a skew towards Anne French for the benefit of my fellow media) who asked me quite earnestly, “I always feel so nervous before I go on stage. When do the jitters finally go away?” I had to be honest and tell her it’s been about 10 years and I’ve still got mine. I guess on some base level we’re just afraid of what people will think of us. Ironically then we behave in a way that makes people think we’re weird. Over the years I’ve found the secret is to be super confident, smile and find a friendly face in the crowd and focus on it. Works for me almost 100% of the time. *fingers crossed* this is one of those times.

I still remember the launch party (was that a whole year ago?!) and their 5 different covers shots featuring Amy Winehouse, Anushka Shankar, Bruce Springsteen, Jay Z and Led Zepplin (psst if you’re coming tonight this information could come in handy! :)) There’s more on www.myspace.com/rollingstoneindia…