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Ready. Steady. Glow!

Ready. Steady. Glow!

Malini Agarwal
Aditya Hitkari, Divya Palat and Anu Menon of Lola Kutty fame
Aditya Hitkari, Divya Palat and Anu Menon of Lola Kutty fame
Junelia Aguiar and Ash Chadler
Junelia Aguiar and Ash Chadler

Last night was super fun! As predicted my stage fright didn’t last too long and Luke Kenny was loads of fun to co-host with. Amidst randomly giving out cases of Tiger beer to all my new best friends in the audience I was quite intrigued by the line up of Advaita (an eight- piece fusion band), Medusa (heavy/alternative metal) and Pentagram (everybody knows Pentegram.) Vishal Dadlani was in a happy place and good-humoredly rocked the incessant posing he was asked to do up in the VIP section. (I think when there aren’t enough “celebrities” to shoot the photogs get stir crazy, they even took my picture to the point that the multiple flashes gave me my first deer-in-headlights moment.) There was this one lady in a flouncy (is the only word that comes to mind) white dress who posed and preened to perfection, approved the digital pictures and then was on her way to mingle shingle. Amazing. (Pictures coming soon)

Pssst I hear there was a tiny bit of drama where Pentagram almost staged a walk out but then that got sorted out (which is probably why I’m alive to blog the tale today; trust me disappointed rock fans are generally violent rock fans!)

Matan Schabracq

Part two of my evening was spent at Zenzi Mills, Mumbai where Matan Schabracq hosted another one of his supercool theme parties to celebrate the official launch of the new Zenzi in town. The theme was white and florescent and people clearly went all out to adhere to the strict dress code. Matan himself loaded up on all sorts of party favors from his travels to ensure everyone had a costume (and no excuse.) The party was officially off the paparazzi radar so I’m not going to get into any celebrity spotting (that and the fact that after 4 vodka Redbulls and 2 kamakazi’s everyone looked like this…)

Amid lots of random posing and a hilarious conversation about new age combovers I had a total blast and enjoyed the whole bizarre dress up thanks to my friend Sheetal who scoped Linking Road, Bandra for anything that glows. Heck even the paparazzi got into the spirit of the party and was walking around looking like this…

Me, Sheetal & Navraj Lehl
Rebecca & Ashwin Mushran
Ash Chandler

(I think I might rock the pink extensions again tonight just for kicks!) I also heard a snatch of Ash Chandler’s new bit on the Hrithik  & Susanne Roshan drama something to the effect of …so she moves into her in-laws and he rushes home from South Africa and finally gets everyone believe the “termite” story, everything is going so well until Barbara Mori comes out and says, “who the hell are you calling a terminte?!” Love it.

Juhi Pande

And just as I was leaving I caught Juhi Pande outside and was admiring her new (even shorter) chic haircut when some dude “excuse me, excuse me’s” his way over to her to say something amazing cheesy like “Is your name innocence?” (Like I said, I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.)