I’m sure all of us have grown up hearing this phrase, “The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.” I would say it stands true for some things, well maybe a lot of things, but that would differ from person to person, wouldn’t it? My mother and my father have been at the centre of my universe since I can remember. Albeit, I have a funny way of showing it, but as I’ve aged I’ve grown more empathetic to them. TBH, with age comes a whole lot of introspection, don’t say I didn’t warn ya and that’s when I realised I’m actually a lot like my mother.

And it’s a good thing I’m a whole lot like her because she is a wonderful woman who worked really hard at raising me. She gave up her thriving career and had my back every step of the way. Even when my teenage brain kept telling me otherwise. As I looked back at my life, I stumbled upon a few traits I have in common with her. To her, I am forever thankful and grateful.

Here’s a list of 5 traits I imbibed from my mother:

1) Creativity

My mother went from being a full-time nurse to a full-time designer. When I waltzed into their lives she made the choice to quit her career and care for me. Lovely as that gesture is, I grew up and had my own life. She grew bored and wanted to do more with her time. Soon, she took classes and started her own business right from our house. She started by making children’s clothes and then made her way up the ladder to tailoring white wedding gowns. I was always in the midst of sequins, embroideries, fabrics and so on and so forth. I grew so used to the words too, types of fabrics, ways to stitch. I’d flip through her paintings and was always so inspired. So I can say that this is one trait I imbibed from my mother 100%.

2) Cooking Skills

When I was in the 7th grade my mother had to get an arthroscopy on her ankle which left her unable to cook for us. At that time, I decided it was time to learn about something that I was already curious about. I felt like I was brewing potions, I already mentioned I was creative. So you know my mind wandered places and I day-dreamed a lot about different things. The first thing I made was chicken curry, it was watery but I was hell-bent on perfecting it. So for the next 3 days, I drove everyone crazy and forced them to eat chicken curry till they could say it was truly edible. I used to make chapati‘s in shapes with her and Christmas sweets too. So it’s no mystery I had the knack for cooking as she does too.

3) Hardworking

This one sounds a lot like I’m tooting my own horn but I know for a fact that I am a mad worker. My employers may find faults with my personality but I’ve never had anyone fault my ability to work. I’ve always been a do-er and a pr0-active participant in my workspaces, I don’t think I could live with doing things halfway. Truth is I watched my mother always work her hardest, she raised me to be my own person but I guess this one I imbibed from her for sure. I also really like working and rarely indulge in things I don’t enjoy. I am also, lovingly known to all as a work-a-holic as well.

4) Skincare Routine

My mother is 71 which means we share a 40 year age gap but she looks like she’s in her late 50’s. Yes, brown skin ages well but she always took great care of her skin. One of the earliest memories I have is her, washing her face and then moisturising it. Soon I followed those footsteps and in fact, I started my beauty routine when I was in school itself. It probably wasn’t as elaborate as it is now but that comes with earning your own monies too. I also pride my self on having never gone to bed without taking my makeup off ever thanks to my mother’s voice in my head.

5) Temper Tantrums

Oh boy! is this one a fact. I’m Cancerian and so is my mother. Yes, I’m that person that believes in horoscopes, don’t hate ok? I really find them to be accurate in many ways. So anyway, she and I have a lot in common and we fight about a whole lot of things too. We’re incredibly bold and opinionated women and speak our minds to each other, which almost always lands us in one of those tussles that my poor father has to brave. My temper tantrums are rather short-lived as are hers because we quickly realise we love the person more than we are angry with them.

Can’t live with them or live without our mother’s but we love and cherish everything they’ve given us. So, Thank you for raising the women of today. Bold enough to live their dreams and fight for those who cannot.

Happy Mother’s Day

Nelly Wadia & Mother
Nelly Wadia & Mother

What are some of the few traits you imbibed from your mother? Let me know in the comments below.

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