Mid-Day put up a rather vague blind item about a Bollywood couple having troubles in their relationship. The two have going steady since a while, but things don’t seem very smooth as of now. Mid-Day‘s source has said –
The duo has been spotted together on many occasions and those in the know even believed that they will take their relationship to the next level. However, of late, the two are having way too many fights, which has resulted in a lot of differences between them. They are even trying to not get photographed together to keep the matter under wraps from the media.
Another source from the industry has said that lack of communication is the biggest obstacle in this relationship.
Both of them are finding it difficult to cope with changing things in their lives and thus have been fighting. The girl is not happy with a few decisions the actor has taken recently and the actor is keeping a watch on her, which obviously isn’t going down well with her.
Like I said before, this blind item seems rather vague, do you have any guesses? Tell us in the comments below.