Sanjay Dutt was released from Yerawada central prison on Thursday on leave of furlough for 14 days. The actor headed straight away for his home on Mumbai, and we’re told that the first person to call and speak to him was Salman Khan. The actor, however, didn’t want to go see Sanjay immediately, as he preferred to avoid the inevitable media frenzy. Now, though, we hear that he’s planning on dropping in soon – Salman even made it a point to be in touch with Maanyata when Sanjay was in jail, just so that he could keep checking up on him.
Sanjay even met with members of the media and chatted with them briefly after arriving home. He said he respects the law and courts, and reiterated that he’s entitled to the leave that he has been granted. He asked only that he be given his privacy to spend time with his family.
The actor is also seeking medical treatment – he’s suffering from high blood pressure and is experiencing pain in his legs due to blood clots. He was limping when the media caught him at home, and from the pictures, you can tell that he’s lost a considerable amount of weight.
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Pix: Yogen Shah for MissMalini