Deepika Padukone could have had a bit of a sticky spot recently when she decided to throw a party in her home to celebrate the success of Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, considering that she would have wanted to invite the guys in her life. Ranbir Kapoor, her co-star for this film, would of course need to be there, but it turns out that she asked even Ranveer Singh (her rumoured current beau) and Sidhartha Mallya (her ex) to the party as well. And they all turned up!
But we suppose Deepika’s been good at handling the relationships in her life because all three were there without a problem. Not only that, but DPad also had quite the guest list otherwise – Ayan Mukerji, Karan Johar, Anurag Kashyap and Imtiaz Ali also showed up, along with Aamir Khan, Kiran Rao, Priyanka Chopra and Imran Khan. The only thing that would’ve made this even more interesting was the presence of Katrina Kaif, but unfortunately (fortunately?) she’s currently shooting for Bang Bang out of the country.