A few months ago, Alia Bhatt had bought herself a new flat in Mumbai. The pretty actress had even spoken about her swanky pad during her interview with Vogue magazine. She had said:
The vibe is that of a New York loft – really cosy and not too modern. The walls are all exposed bricks and the windows are boxy. I’m trying to get a retro Smeg refrigerator and a lot of neon signs for the wall, so it will have a cool vibe.
And now, Alia is finally moving out of the Bhatt residence and shifting to her apartment along with her sister Shaheen Bhatt. According to various reports, the duo will move in to their new home by the end of this month. Amidst all the shifting, Shaheen uploaded this photo.
We cannot wait for catch a glimpse of Alia’s cool new home!