The Indian Censor board believes that the long kissing scenes in the upcoming James Bond movie, Spectre are ‘too long and too much’ for us Indians. I know, big surprise. The Indian Internet took this ridiculous news to heart and started trolling the Censor Board for treating Indian citizens like kids. The outrage gave a birth to a hilarious hashtag – #SanskariJamesBond and you really have to check out some of the funniest tweets.
#SanskariJamesBond On Her Matashree’s Secret Service
— Atul Khatri (@one_by_two) November 18, 2015
#SanskariJamesBond keeps couple of roses in his wallet. Whenever he feels like kissing someone, he takes out roses and shake ’em for camera! — Vinit Tibrewal (@vinittibrewal) November 18, 2015

#SanskariJamesBond goes walking to Sidhi Vinakak temple to celebrate success of every mission.
— Still 14 (@Etardoh) November 18, 2015
Indian Censor Board approved James Bond sex scene: She: Do you have a condom? James: No. I have something better. pic.twitter.com/q7pyHWfdkt — Sahil Shah (@SahilBulla) November 18, 2015
#SanskariJamesBond Chikoo and milk. Shaken, not stirred.
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) November 18, 2015
Bae: No one’s home * #SanskariJamesBond sends security guards to protect her* — Khayali Pulav (@dekhbhaidek) November 18, 2015
#SanskariJamesBond Dies Another Day and gets reincarnated the next day.
— Aladdin (@Alllahdin) November 18, 2015
#SanskariJamesBond to eat dahi cheeni before going for any mission. — Nandita. (@NakliRedHead) November 18, 2015

#SanskariJamesBond Refrains from meat on Tuesdays and Doesn’t shave on Saturday
— SocoMumbai (@SocoMumbai) November 18, 2015
#SanskariJamesBond feeturez in Ponkuj Nihloniz video befoer teh muvie and alzo doez little bit of ackting in teh actual muvie — Norinder Mudi (@NorinderMudi) November 18, 2015
James bond will now be driving ambassador,playing anup jalotas songs #SanskariJamesBond
— Mr.India (@mrindia420) November 18, 2015
And okay, I’m really sorry for this one.
Pic 1: James Bond Pic 2: #SanskariJamesBond pic.twitter.com/IpJes1IGGY — Aw Man (@Fabled_Me) November 18, 2015