Lately, Karisma Kapoor has been throwing on some great traditional looks. She always manages to look so royal, we can’t help but stop and stare at her. And the best part – she doesn’t save her Indian wear for just Diwali like most of the other celebrities do. She seems to wear patialas more often than her skinny jeans – and we love that about her. Her sister, Kareena Kapoor Khan on the other hand, is known to be a bit more on the glam side. So when she turned up to a film festival in a lehenga and kurta set, we almost did a double take. See it here…
Admit it, you totally thought that was Karisma and not Kareena. She’s wearing a brocade kurta by Payal Khandwala colour-blocked with a lehenga by the same designer. We love the change, don’t you?
Check out Alia Bhatt & Sonam Kapoor in their own Payal Khandwala numbers here and here.