40-year old Shikha Joshi, who was last seen in a small role in BA Pass, committed suicide on Saturday evening. The struggling actor slit her throat open at her flat in Versova, Mumbai. The police has cited lack of employment as the cause for Shikha taking her own life.
DCP Satya Narayan Chaudhry, said:
The incident took place at around 6 pm. Joshi would stay in the flat with her friend. She went into the bathroom and slit her throat open using a sharp object. When she did not open the door for a long time, her friend knocked on the door and Joshi opened it. However, she collapsed immediately due to excessive bleeding. A bleeding Joshi was then rushed to Kokilaben Hospital in Andheri where she was pronounced dead. Later, he body was sent to Cooper Hospital for post mortem.
Senior police inspector Ravindranath Pawar, said:
We have not found any suicide note. The kitchen knife used in the crime has been seized. She was staying with her friend, Madhu Bharti, whose statement is being recorded. Bharti was staying with Joshi for the last two months. It seems that Joshi took the extreme step due to frustration. Joshi is survived by a 19-year-old daughter who stays with her grand parents in Delhi. Joshi’s brother arrived in Mumbai and claimed her body.
It’s really sad to see anyone take the extreme step in a weak moment. Here’s hoping her family finds strength in these trying times.