Karan Johar‘s last directorial venture, Student Of The Year gave us three of the biggest stars of today – Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra. After their debut, the three kids proved their mettle with applause-worthy performances. And obviously there could be no one prouder than KJo, after knowing that his three discoveries are doing so well in the industry.
According to BOC, in a recent interview he was asked about SOTY‘s sequel to which KJo jokingly said that he will cast Shah Rukh Khan‘s son, AbRam; Aamir Khan‘s son, Azad; and Abhishek Bachchan‘s daughter, Aaradhya. Along with mentioning the fact that the movie will be a 20-year leap!
Well, we are pretty sure the director-come-actor was joking but what’s the harm in anticipating these star kids in the industry so early on, right?! However, 20 years is a long, long, looong time. Let’s see who will actually bag the role if KJo decides to make a sequel (of which he has spoken about often!)
Who would you wish to see in the sequel?