Of course you know that the Internet has been freaking out since THAT DRESS appeared this morning! Is it blue and black? Is it white and gold? Is is blue and copper? WHAT IS IT? I DON’T EVEN! Alright, I’ll calm down a bit but social media definitely won’t. Check out some of the reactions to this dress that looks white and golden to some people and blue and black to others (people who see other colour combinations please get your eyes tested).
1) This guy who cannot handle it. Just cannot!

2) Philip knows about the two kinds of people this world has!

3) Nadiaa wants to burn it, and trust me, so do all of us at the MissMalini HQ!


5) Devanshi (From Team MM) couldn’t wrap her head around this!

6) Celebrities joined the heated debate (including an Academy Award winner).

7) People knew this is the beginning and the end of an era!

8) Some people knew the exact same colour (it’s not blue and black and it’s not gold and white).

9) Jose reminded us of the thing that needed REAL attention!

10) James Franco is aware of the gravity of this situation!

11) Miley killed it.

12) And Rohan made a Bappi Lahiri reference and won the Internet!

What colour is this dress guys? Tell me what you think! Quick!