Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are the loves of my life. I’m so sad that this is the last time the two of them will be hosting the Golden Globes! Honestly, the reason why I genuinely love to watch the Golden Globes more than the Oscars is because it’s much fun! SO much (maybe because most of the guests are drunk!). On top of that, my idols are hosting it for the third and last time, I will obviously be biased. But enough of my love for them, here’s a list of the best jokes Tina Fey and Amy Poehler cracked today, because you know you need this on a Monday morning.
1) When they called this Golden Globes the FINAL Golden Globes, ever.

Of course they would, I don’t think they should continue the awards without these two!
2) When Tina Fey declared she’d rather be with Colin Firth than Colin Farrell for a ‘polite amount of time’

Don’t worry Colin Farrell, Amy was all for you!
3) When they burned ‘The Interview’ relentlessly
Tina: Tonight we celebrate all the great television shows we know and love, as well as all the movies that North Korea was O.K. with.
Amy: North Korea referred to The Interview as ‘absolutely intolerable’ and ‘a wanton act of terror.’
Tina: Even more amazing, not the worst review the movie got.

4) When they cracked jokes on stand-up comedian Bill Cosby whose under a lot of scrutiny for having allegedly raped/sexually assaulted a number of women.

The audience literally gasped when they went there. But that’s the beauty of humour, it should have no boundaries.
5) When they started talking about television…

And declared that they were running out of time, undermining the small screen in front of the big Hollywood people. It was hilarious!
6) When Amy confessed why she didn’t like Gone Girl

Scarily accurate for most of us, isn’t it?
7) When Tina spoke about the hard work Steve Carell had to go through to get into the ‘look’ for Foxcatcher and pulled his leg for being “just a millionaire”.

HUMAN WOMAN is my favourite term of the year! Also, Steve Carell‘s reaction. *heart*
8) When they welcomed the celebrities warmly

So much love.
9) When Amy chose Mark Ruffalo over Edward Norton because of this

I’d go with Ed though. Like Tina did! See, we’re supposed to be best friends!
10) And obviously, the best joke of the evening.

Hail the ladies!

So how many decades do you think will it take for Bollywood to digest the kind of jokes cracked here?
Why aren’t these two running for the office yet? Why?
Watch the entire monologue right here.