Sometimes all we need to do is read some good ol’ erotica to keep us going and now that MissMalini has a wonderful sex and romance section, I thought I should list down a mix of the best kind of erotic literature the book world has to offer us! Yes, there are many many books other than Fifty Shades of Grey, but that obviously tops my list! To find out about the rest of them, read on. Because we all know, there’s no better way to make our imagination more vivid than reading a good book.
1) Fifty Shades Of Grey – E.L James

Is this list even a list if it doesn’t have Fifty Shades Of Grey in it? Many people will wait for the movie (which is due to release next year on Valentine’s Day) but I really suggest reading the book! You can use your own imagination there if you know what I mean. Also 90% of the times, the books are better than the movies, so there! There are two more parts to this one but they didn’t really match up
2) The Claiming Of Sleeping Beauty – Anne Rice

We all know the story of Sleeping Beauty, now add some BDSM to it and turn the kiss which the Prince gives to wake her up into a full blown sex scene and imagine how hot the book is going to be! Yes, The Claiming Of Sleeping Beauty is exactly that and much more…much much more.
3) Forbidden – Susan Johnson

A notorious rake, an exotic beauty and a chemistry that would put Chuck and Blair to shame. The characters of this historical erotica are hot, passionately in love and experimental in bed. Imagine characters from this historical era use sex toys! Daisy and Etienne were far ahead of their times.
4) The Leopard Prince – Elizabeth Hoyt

This one too is a historical romance but with a twist. Here the guy (who’s making a noble-born woman rather happy) is actually a servant! Unlike usual plot lines where the hero is secretly an heir to a large fortune or a prince masquerading as a common man…this guy is actually what he is and the whole class divide and subsequent repercussions between the lovers makes the forbidden romance more honest and HOT!
5) Bared To You – Sylvia Day

Imagine Fifty Shades Of Grey but with complexed characters. Both Eva and Gideon suffer from a dark past that makes them rather damaged when it comes to normal, healthy relationships. Obviously they find each other and heal each other with the help of some steamy backbreaking sex!
6) The Theory Of Attraction – Delphine Dryden

Nerds aren’t always shown to be hotties, at least in popular culture, but in The Theory Of Attraction everything is different! The girl is a computer programmer and the guy is an astrophysicist, a socially awkward one. But things change in the bedroom where all his awkwardness flies off like a rocket (sorry, I had to) and the two of them enjoy a dom-sub relationship. The good part about the book is that it’s not only about sex, it has fun characters, witty dialogues a very sweet romance.
7) Tropic Of Cancer – Henry Miller

It’s a classic for a reason you guys! Banned in the United States after its 1934 publication (the ban got lifted in the ’60s), Tropic Of Cancer is now regarded as an important masterpiece of the 20th Century! The author wrote about his nomadic life in Paris between the years 1930 to 1934 which included his various sexual adventures in the bohemian city. If the life of every struggling writer was anywhere as colourful as that of Henry Miller‘s, let’s just say we’d all die happy and content.
8) The Sexual Life Of Catherine M – Catherine Millet

Like Henry Miller, Catherine Millet too decided to pen down an autobiography of her days in Paris! Including her swinging sex life which she describes rather graphically. These people sure knew had to fun amiright?
9) The Lady’s Tutor – Robin Schone

An erotic fiction with a richly developed story! Surprising isn’t it? The Lady’s Tutor is the perfect combination of Victorian uptightness and Eastern sensuality. When Elizabeth Petre decides she needs to get the attention of her indifferent and cold husband, she takes the help of the bastard son of an English countess and an Arab sheik, Ramiel Devington to teach her the art of seduction. What happens next is something you HAVE to read!
10) Simply Insatiable – Kate Pearce

Another hot read based in Regency England, this is the story of Lord Minshom and his estranged wife Lady Jane who has decided to put an end to his wayward ways by flirting with other men herself! This book is filled with angry yet hot make out sessions, mind games and a couple for whom the phrase ‘I hate you like I love you‘ was coined! Should you give it read? Oh hell yes!
Feel free to add your favourites 🙂