Shah Rukh Khan gave his fans the best gift on the auspicious occasion of Eid last night. SRK has always been overtly protective of the newest member of his family, Abram. He has often told the media to respect his privacy too when it came to his youngest son and that he’d share Abram’s pictures and other details on his own time. Apparently, when the news of SRK and Gauri extending their family came out, the international media was trying to get SRK to give them the first picture of Abram in return of obnoxious sums of money! Obviously enough, SRK and family denied.
Well, this year’s Eid marks the debut of Abram on the social media as Daddy Khan took to Twitter to share the first official picture of Abram.
Doesn’t he look like an absolute cutie?
Well, we are already loving this “littlest” star kid. What about you? Tell us in comments below!