We’re so excited at Team MissMalini, we have such cool new t-shirts! – And the best part is, they’re so #GeekChic! The black tees come for both men and women, in different sizes, and they have ‘
Eat, Sleep, Tweet, Retweet
‘ printed onto them. Because as you know, we’re all obsessed with social media and our phones are literally an extension of our arms! We all took our own photos in them too because what good is a cool new tee without having a photo of you wearing it, right!?

We’re giving you a chance to join our t-shirt party and WIN a Geek Chic tee for yourselves. All you have to do is answer one simple question:
What makes you Geek Chic? Leave your answer in the comments below and also specify your city!

The most innovative and quirkiest answers will win! So get commenting, you have till the 20th of August 2015 to get your hands on some original MissMalini goodies!