Ajaz Khan seems to be enjoying the spotlight and all the attention he is being given post Bigg Boss. The actor, who is presently in South Africa shooting for Khatron Ke Khiladi, has been having a blast on the set at the expense of his rival, Kushal Tandon. Kushal has been eliminated from the show because of his shoulder injury, although Ajaz is having a field day giving interviews saying that Kushal quit the show when he realised Ajaz was joining it. The television actor also claimed that Gauahar is threatening to do the same just because of him.
In fact, things took a bad turn recently when Ajaz tried to have a conversation with Gauahar on the sets. Who knows what he was trying to speak to her about, but Gauahar told him to back off in no uncertain terms. Things calmed down only when the host of the show, Rohit Shetty, intervened.