As promised during my VJ Andy interview, I asked as many of your #AskMM Twitter questions as I could in four minutes and this is what Andy had to say on everything from using PR to his friendship with Tanisha Mukjeri and Armaan Kohli hitting Sofia Hayat! Plus he has a message for all his haters too! So what are you waiting for? Press play. xoxo
VJ Andy on Using PR, Footage Seeker Ajaz Khan and Gauhar’s Friendship!

Andy Kumar: I never accused anyone of having PR. And having PR is not a crime guys, its a normal thing. People do have a PR companies working for them. Now, I say companies, usually it’s one – when it’s 17 then it’s an issue! But I’ve never really accused anyone, so that’s a wrong fact.

AK: Oh definitely Ajaz Khan, big footage seeker! And I have to say Sofia Hayat as well. I did think at times… and I don’t understand Sofia actually. Little quick one for you guys, I don’t know why she threw me under the bus! No idea, I was really good to her and then she just turned on me, I don’t get it. I just didn’t understand it.

AK: Uhaaaaawwwwaaaahhhhh! That’s a CRAZY one. What was I updated with? I’m still not updated! You don’t understand! I still don’t know a lot of things because all I’ve done since I’ve gotten out of the house is maybe four days of interviews! And I’m not kidding. And Interviews are still going on! And the other thing is, I don’t really know what’s going on in the world. I tried to read the papers, nothing’s really happening… And I’ve been in Goa having a holiday so I’ve cut myself off from everyone. But still doing interviews all the time! And now I’m going straight to a really chock-a-block schedule of work so I still don’t know what’s going on! All I do know is my family gossip and that’s what is most important.

AK: Well I make fun of a lot of people, and I make fun of my MOM, I make fun of my brother, I make fun of my friends! Because, that’s just it. You can make fun of people that you love. Hello. And if you don’t agree with something someone is doing, the best way to do it is, do it with humour. Cos you’re not going to try and damage that person, you’re going to try and do it affectionately. It’s called “affectionately mocking”.

AK: You guys might think it’s “useful” but you know what, she’s just my friend. That’s all it is, so lets just get that clear. Tanisha is my friend. And I’m not her friend for any other reason aside from the fact that she’s my friend! Now Gauhar is also my friend, I met her in Goa and we had a great conversation and Kushal Tandon was with her. There are no issues there guys, so YOU GUYS need to calm down about it because us lot, we have no issues!

AK: Well! There’s lots of things happening actually. There’s lots of TV stuff that’s happening. A lot of award shows where I’ll be hosting. You’ll be seeing me very soon, I can’t mention any names right now… but you’ll be seeing me doing that. I’m hosting a few new shows as well. They’re in conceptualisation right now… Movie offers have also come in and I’m definitely thinking about it. There’s a British film happening and there’s a lot of Bollywood films happening as well! There’s a lot of stuff happening actually, there’s so much going on right now! I’m just trying to figure out what I wanna do and what I don’t wanna do. Just meeting the right people and let the buzz do it!
*Sings Aloo Bare Karare*

AK: When I find the right person! I don’t know when I’m going to get married but I know I want to have children so any offers? Anyone?
VJAndy on Armaan Kohli Hitting Sofia Hayat + A Message For His Haters.
MissMalini: Ok so the whole Armaan – Sofia mad drama, he got taken away by the police… what was everyone’s reaction in the house? What exactly happened?
AK: It was really shocking! It was like, “Armaan’s being taken out of the house” we didn’t know the police has come to get him but we were kind of like, “what the hell’s going on…” I was glad to see him back the next day and he didn’t really talk about it and it’s understandable but I don’t think this a police case, I really don’t, I’m sorry that’s my opinion everyone out in the Twitterverse – IT’S MY OPINION – I have one and I’m allowed to have it. I don’t think that it’s a police case, I mean she also swore at him and she also did a lot of things and he did it to her, and it was just an argument that went out of hand. I don’t think it’s anything sinister.
MM: Do you think he has some anger issues though, cos we’ve seen him really lose his cool quite a bit.
AK: Armaan maybe has anger management issues, yeah. But I think he’s dealt with it a LOT. From day one if you see till now… and I was just on the beach with him, like yesterday. And he’s a different person outside the house. He’s so calm. He’s got this great energy about him. He just wants to have fun. And I’m like, this guy is amazing! And he’s a really nice guy outside of the house, he really is.

MM: So did you go back and watch all the episodes of Bigg Boss yet to see what you look like?
AK: Noooo, not at all! Everyone keeps telling me how fat I am on screen and I’m like, “thanks guys! I don’t look fat on screen!” But I lost like 16 kilos in the house so maybe I was fat when I went in.
MM: What was the worst possible task for you?
AK: When you have to put yourself in position, from 1 till 10, who’s the most popular. I was like – I don’t want to do this, it’s horrible! And I guess another one would be when we had to sleep when other people were doing the charkha at the beginning, it was the first one. And there was a lot of time they were not sleeping and we had to sleep cos we’d have to cook the food. For the hot water they had to do it, so it was for us, the “jannat people” we were getting all the nice stuff and they were having to work really hard and that was really difficult cos we didn’t really know each other then. So everyone started hating on us… But hey, we’re just fabulous so we have to be.

MM: And going back, anything you would have done differently in the house?
AK: I would have done a few things differently yeah, I think there were a couple of jokes that went out of hand. When you’re with friends, at home, you can do a lot of things and it’s just a joke. But when you’re on National television I sometimes lost my thinking cap and I went ahead with jokes that I thought were funny in the moment and then I was like, oh my god what are you doing don’t do that and then tried to do a backflip so it didn’t affect anyone, but then it was too late. Majorly with Gauhar there was one big moment that I just thought, Andy, what are you doing? Why did you do that, it was stupid. But I wasn’t thinking at that time and when I realized it, I tried to make amends, but then I think things just went out of hand.

MM: And favourite memory from the house, looking back from all your days in there.
AK: Meeting Heaven! I miss him so much, I really miss him. I hope he’s missing me too. In fact I’ve spoken to Colors, I wanna know where he is so I can actually meet him and stuff. I’m going to make sure I do that!

MM: And final question from Team MissMalini we saw you wearing this adorable onesie through much of Bigg Boss where is it from?
AK: It’s from a company called One Piece they are the original company that does these, from Norway I think, but One Piece is the original so go with the original – like me! *LOL*
MM: And a message for all your Twitter fans?
AK: Hi everyone out there, I love you all! I love all your comments, you’re giving us so much positivity. And you haters out there you also give me a lot of positivity, because if you hate me, it’s great! This bad – good, its all good! So guess what if you hate me or you love me, it’s all good. So do what you like, you know what I mean! But the lovers, I love you the most!