This past week has been a terrible one for progress. To my mind, the laws of a country are meant to protect its peace-abiding citizens, not instil blanket fear and force them into hiding. Everyone has a right to love and be loved, and nobody on this earth has the right to tell anyone that their love for another human being is morally wrong. But sadly that is exactly what Sec 377 of our penal code does.

I would like to believe we’re smarter than that, I would like to believe, that by now, we know better. I am hoping that the support of people in the public eye – Bollywood especially – will make a difference and help guide those who don’t understand how terrible a ruling this is for us ALL.
We think we live in a free country but it isn’t one if within our borders ANYONE’s human rights are being violated. It isn’t one if we’re teaching our children that one kind of love is ok but another is wrong. There is NOTHING unnatural about love! Love is a beautiful thing. Love is the reason we are even here at all.

I randomly saw a movie on a flight many years ago. It’s called Code 46 – a futuristic ‘brief encounter’, a love story in which romance is doomed by genetic incompatibility. Basically, you are not allowed to love anybody the government says you are genetically incompatible with. Sound familiar?
If we don’t grow up now, chances are this might not be such a ridiculous concept after all. If we don’t stop this now, who’s to say the powers that be won’t make up others reasons to keep us apart? If WE don’t, who will?

We must all stand in support of our LGBT community, because they are exactly that, they are ours. Tomorrow is a Global Day of Rage, find your city and show up.

Send your messages of solidarity, love and rage. Email your words, images and videos to 377globaldayofrage@gmail.com or tweet them to @377gdr.

These past few days my own love and respect for all my gay friends has risen inestimably. They are hurt and angry but poised and eloquent. And they remain, without a doubt, some of the most intelligent and warm hearted people in my life. Good things happen to good people right? So come on universe, do your thing.
And yes I chose this blog headline on purpose, because it really is time Bollywood. Come on out. xoxo