It looks like Ranbir Kapoor and his BFF Ayan Mukherjee had yet another boy’s night out on the town in Mumbai last night. But something seems to have displeased the Kapoor scion and got him all hot under the collar.
According to our sources, Ranbir and Ayan were leaving Olive Bar & Kitchen in Bandra when they were clicked by a posse of photographers. Ranbir seemed to have got upset about something and was alleged to have sharply ticked-off a female reporter and her intern after asking them to show him the video footage on their recording device.
In a startling turn of events, he took the video camera with him into the car and refused to give it back to the television crew.
Sources further inform us that the female reporter has been sternly informed by her boss not to report this incident to the head office in Delhi, as they are apparently scared that they will lose their jobs.
Interestingly, Ranbir had allegedly asked the media to have a race with him before this channel’s car came in front of his car.
Maybe he didn’t like the fact that the TV crew filmed the “race”?
See more pix of the heated argument here:
Back in April, Ranbir was allegedly involved in a spat in Vancouver at the IIFA Awards ceremony. The gossips had it that Ranbir’s friends bullied a certain Mr. Joshi, who was standing near the lift, to vacate the area so that Ranbir could come out of his room and use the elevator. When Joshi apparently stood his ground, Ranbir allegedly came out of his room and heckled the gentleman, as well. Only when other people residing on the same floor opened their doors to see what all the commotion was about, did Ranbir back-off.
Is Ranbir Kapoor yet another Bollywood brat who throws his weight around and bullies people? Tell us in the comments below.
Pix: Viral Bhayani for MissMalini