Ask and you shall receive. (And by that we mean oodles and oodles of gossip from our Industrywalla!) Post your questions for him in the comments below or check this list to see if someone was already wondering about that rumour you’ve heard… Love, MM xoxo

Tanisha: Did Kareena ever have a thing with Hrithik Roshan?
Yes, very much so! Bebo aka Kareena Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan in fact had a rocking fling right in the middle of his film Mein Prem Ki Deewani Hoon. Before that there were sparks during Yaadein where Kareena was totally smitten by Duggu despite the fact that he was already someone else’s man. Fact is, they’ve also known each other forever. Just look at this blast from the past pic of them together…

Talk is that Bebo’s family had to stage an intervention and put sense into her head to stay away and not do anything stupid. Hrithik’s mom Pinky Roshan gave beta Roshan a hearing too and told him to back off just as Bebo’s mom Babita Kapoor pulled back the reins on her daughter too!

The linkup was the reason why the two haven’t worked together since Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham, and will finally be seen together some time next year in Karan Johar‘s Shuddi (unless of course Saif Ali Khan has anything to say about that!) BUT this was all waaaaay in the past and everybody has moved on (or out, for different reasons) by now. You asked so I answered, there’s no gossip without fire.
Psst! While you’re here you might as well pick your favourite Bebo Bollywood look and tell us which one you’d love to see her in next. And don’t forget to leave your questions in the comment below, your Industrywalla is on the job, pakka promise!