*Updated: Check out my one on one interview with Imran Khan on becoming a daddy!

OMG I have the BEST news ever! I JUST got off the phone with Imran Khan and as per this MissMalini exclusive another baby Khan is slated to enter the world in just about 6 months! Imran and Avantika Malik are expecting their very first child and they are SUPER psyched! Avantika is about 12 weeks along and Imran is absolutely over the moon, he says “she’s hoping for a boy and I want a girl!” When I asked him how he’s feeling Imran said, “I’m thrilled! I’ve always had a ton of kids running around the house, all of Aamir Khan‘s grew up around me so I’ve had lots of practice.” *Awwww!*
I have no doubt you’re going to be a stellar papa Imran, and can you just imagine the cuteness?! So happy for them both 🙂 remember you heard it here FIRST! Stay tuned for the full what-to-expect-when-you’re-expecting debrief with Imran Khan coming up soon soon 🙂 and be sure to leave them your wishes in the comments below, yay! xoxo