Now there’s a sentence I thought I’d never say! *LOL*
A “Selfie” (in case you have been living under a large rock, with no network connection) is a self portrait taken on a smartphone and was selected to be the word of the year on Tuesday by the Oxford Dictionary!

Now here’s the real kicker! “Selfie” beat a number of other buzzwords of the honour in 2013, including Miley’s own “twerk” at the MTV Video Music Awards last August.

BTW did you know “Selfie” has several step-siblings on the Internet now? “Helfie” is a picture you take of your own hair. Um, guilty as charged.

And “belfie” for taking a picture of your own bum (yikes!) Something apparently Heidi Klum is responsible for!

Or “drelfie” for a self portrait taken while drunk! Which reminds me of a great Instagram I once reposted. 🙂

(Yup we’re looking at you Amanda Bynes!)

But I suppose she should feel some solace in the fact that the world’s FIRST “Selfie” was a suitable drunk one posted on an Australian internet forum.
2002 ABC Online (forum posting) 13 Sept.

“Um, drunk at a mates 21st, I tripped ofer [sic] and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps. I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie.”

So now feel free to leave me a “Selfie”, “Drelfie” or “Helfie” in the comments below, BUT no “Belfie’s” please! xoxo
Psst! As per Sonam Kapoor’s latest “Selfie” a few weeks ago it appears she has three new piercings! They’re in her ear, don’t get too excited 🙂