So this Halloween we decided to do a Bollywood dress up theme at our Team MissMalini headquarters so I figured I’d take that look and go (get it? #takeitandgo) to the Halloween party I was co-hosting at LIV & Cheval later the same night!

To REALLY jazz up my ensemble, I asked master make up artist Elton Fernandez to Daku me up a notch, all I knew I wanted was bold eyes, a wicked little heart, spider-webbed eyes and amazon hair so I sent him these references and knew he’d work his magic! 🙂

Now check out this step by step video on how to get my gabbar-glorious look below and leave me a comment with what you think of Daku Gabby Singh! *dhishkiyaon* 🙂 xoxo

Check out more of Elton’s magic fingers at work here on his YouTube channel. Thank you Cloud Atlas, you are fabulous and I absolutely LOVED my look, yay 🙂
Pix & Video courtesy Monisha Ajgaonkar, The Photo Diary