Check out how #geekchic I am 🙂 I’m currently in Delhi hosting LIVE Google Hangouts with all the top designers at Wills India Fashion Week from around the venue! We did this one from the Tata Nano stall where Masaba Gupta‘s candy coloured Nano is currently on display. It’s adorable and I want one!
Now sit back and watch our Google Hangout as Miss Masaba takes us on a tour of her designer wheels 🙂 xoxo

FYI this one-of-a-kind Nano by Masaba is up for auction and all proceeds will be going to charity.

#Awesome (remember this ad?!)

I love that Sujata Assomull joined our hangout too and told me all about her fashion week favorites and the highlights of opening day.

Now don’t forget to watch every day at 3pm & 5pm and tweet me LIVE with the hashtag #MissMaliniHangouts to ask your questions and win some awesome goodies too!
MissMalini’s #WIFW Hangouts With Ashish Soni, Yogesh Chaudhary, Tarun Tahiliani, Wendell Rodricks and Nida Mahmood
MissMalini’s #WIFW Hangouts With Rahul Mishra, Shivan & Narresh and Bodice