Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn had a very publicised war last year, when the release dates of Jab Tak Hai Jaan and Son of Sardaar clashed and Ajay accused him and YRF of unfair business practices. However, it seems that – while they may never be close pals – the two have chosen to let go of their issues for now.
Apparently, during the surrogacy controversy that Shah Rukh and Gauri faced recently, Ajay called the couple to check on how they were doing. He first reached out to Gauri and spent some time chatting with her about the whole situation, and then even spoke to Shah Rukh and offered him some kind words. Good to know that, with time, things have thawed out and they have warmed up to each other.
Looks like it’s the season of reconciliation for SRK. 🙂