Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Look who hugged it out at Congress leader Baba Siddiqui’s Iftaar party at the Taj Land’s End this evening? Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan – and this is the first kind exchange they’ve had in FIVE YEARS. Wow.

Apparently Baba Siddiqui himself initiated the meeting and hopes that they will now become life long friends. Baby steps I say, but we’re definitely on the right track!
An eye witness reports that Shah Rukh Khan was sitting with friends when Baba Siddiqui came up behind him with Salman Khan and tapped him on the shoulder to tell him Salman had arrived. Then SRK stood up, went over to Salman and gave him a hug.

Both of them were smiling and it all seemed very natural and genuine. *Awww* I knew this day would come 🙂 and I’m hoping they are BOTH ready to put the past behind them. Hurrah for Bollywood high drama and happy endings right?! 🙂
PS. Not to make light of the situation but it looks like Imam Siddique’s wish just came true too! I mean Baba Siddique – Imam Siddique. Coincidence much? Allah be praised!
But hold on, as I was blogging this I got an update from the inside. While everyone is talking about the big heal-all hug between Shah Rukh and Salman and saying the two have officially “patched up” I can exclusively (albeit sadly) report that there is in fact no real patch up as of now. Salman Khan was overheard telling someone after the Iftaar that he couldn’t have ignored SRK as it is tradition to meet and greet everyone who sits at the table to break bread.

He just wanted to be a good human being and not avoid SRK just because of their rivalry. In fact in response to anyone who asked about the hug later and inquired if they were back to being friends was greeted with the same response: Salman said he would cross that bridge when he comes to it and for now he was just being civil and polite (aka being human? *doh!*)
Aw shucks. And I was getting all excited about this blog 🙁
BUT I’m told another theory doing the rounds is that SRK KNEW Salman was coming at a certain time and was getting updates about his whereabouts (which is normal protocol given the fact that their publicists and managers are primed to ensure there is no awkwardness.) But he chose to stay at the table eating knowing he could have avoided the run in. So maybe he’s extending the olive branch just like we’d expect big hearted ‘ol Shah Rukh to do all along… what can I say. I’m a believer 🙂 and I promise to keep you posted either way! xoxo
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Pix Yogen Shah for MissMalini