This could have been a rather awkward moment yesterday for Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh when they came face to face with each other at Dr. Ashok Chopra’s funeral. Even though Deepika Padukone and Ranveer travelled together they didn’t come out walking hand-in-hand as expected. Deepika walked ahead, while Ranveer trailed behind.
Priyanka Chopra‘s younger brother Siddharth Chopra was greeting everyone who had come to give their condolences. And while he got a warm hug from Ranveer, he saw Ranbir coming up behind him wearing a cap and jacket.
But RK waited patiently till his ex-girlfriends current boyfriend finished talking to Sid and then went up and hugged him.
Given the situation, both RK and RS were extremely civil with each other while maintaining a safe distance. Playing nice boys, well done!
Here, my photog got a lot more pix of them while they were there. Take a look!
Pix: Yogen Shah for MissMalini