*Woohoo, this just in! You can win a Clarks voucher worth 5,000rs to redeem at any of their Clarks stores around India in a fabulous MissMalini customised shoe bag!

Just post your answer in the comments below with the one thing you want your shoes to say about you, hurry! (And don’t forget to mention what city you’re in 🙂 xoxo
Now that’s what I call Inspiring Desire. Click through for my first hand experience and cross your fingers for that 5k voucher and a goody bag for your precious shoes, courtesy Clarks!

If you were watching my tweets, then you know I flew to Delhi on Wednesday to attend an event hosted by Clarks India and Cosmopolitan. Now I knew that Clarks is the world’s largest footwear brand in the everyday category from the UK but I had no idea that they were planning to recreate the streets of London in Delhi (and as Nowshad put it) suddenly we were in Lon-Delhi!

As soon as I got there I could see Cosmo girl written all over it! Nandini Bhalla‘s knack for hosting awesome parties shined through and I’m pretty sure Melissa Potter, CEO, Clarks International was very impressed to see how well turned out Delhi’s society chicas all happened to be. Oooh and thank you Ashmita for making this awesome hand painted shoe bag for me to give out!

Take the Tour!
Meet the Hosts & a Little Shoe Magic.
So, I must confess I sometimes miss having a winter in Mumbai… just because I’d like to occasionally be able to wear snug jackets and cute knee high boots *sigh* but props to you Delhi girls, you did it perfectly. Here’s a little fashion spotting and a big fat giant hug going out to all the wonderful people I met who read my blog in capital town, excellent 🙂 I love you right back!

PS. Nandini, loved your orange Aqua Couture dress!

Ok, it’s official. I love fashion bloggers with good taste. Met the charming founder of headtilt.in – Surbhi Sethi and her c0-blogger buddy Neha Vohra when I spotted their super style!

Of course this picture made the cut because of a hilarious exchange that happened between my husband and his big brother after he posted this picture on his Facebook wall! Don’t you love it?! *lol*

So thank you Clarks, we had a blast, now lets do one more in Mumbai 🙂 xoxo
Psst! Loads more pix here!