Well lookie what we have here! Mallika Sherawat and Antonio Banderas caught on tape dancing up a storm at the same Cannes afterparty (on Microsoft billionaire Paul Allen’s Yacht) I told you about some time ago. Now UK’s Daily Mail, Yahoo News and The Huffington Post are ALL saying cracks in his 15-year marriage to Melanie Griffith are starting to show, and if Melanie’s YouTube savvy at all this video probably isn’t going to help!
But here’s what I want to know, who’s standing on the dancefloor, filming all up in their business? Dear Punjab News Channel, what’s your secret? *lol*

PS. Here’s what Mr. Banderas told AARP about having a healthy marriage last November:
“I think that you should be able to be honest with your wife: I should be able to tell you that, yeah, sometimes I walk into a party and I feel there are women there that are very beautiful… and you shouldn’t be upset. In the same way, you may see a guy who’s very attractive. The question is, how much will you stretch that? It’s all about balance in life. We all need water, obviously, but I’m not going to drink the pool. I think it’s very important that you know exactly where the limits are.”
Er… should we warn him that Madame Sherawat is probably NOT your best bet when it comes to “limits”?