There’s been a lot of news surrounding the Hindi remake of the Tamil film, Vettai – first, there was news that Shahid Kapoor would star in it. Then it was later indicated that he wasn’t doing the film after all because of an issue with the dialogues. Finally, it seemed like that problem was going to be resolved… except no confirmation was forthcoming from Shahid’s team. While fans sat around wondering whether this film was happening or not, Shahid’s trainer Abbas Ali accidentally confirmed that Shahid would star in it.
In talking about Shahid’s fitness regime, here is what Abbas told Filmfare:
Abbas Ali says: “Shahid also needs to train for the remake of Vettai and another hardcore action movie. So we are doing combination training.”
So since Shahid’s going to start training for the movie soon, we guess it’s safe to say that it is indeed happening. He’ll be accompanied by Ali Zafar (who plays his elder brother), and apparently Ileana D’Cruz (who will be seen in the upcoming Barfi!). What do you think – will this be a film to look forward to?