Anusha Dandekar launched the video of her first single yesterday, Better Than Your Ex. According to her, this song was inspired by a high school sweetie, who stopped being friends with her after they broke-up – because another girl came into his life and made all the rules. And Anusha fully subscribes to the belief that you should be friends with your ex even after you break up, and no new girlfriend/boyfriend should come in the way. Interesting thing was, Anusha’s ex-boyfriend Ranvijay was also present at the event and was cheekily wearing a Better Than Your Ex t-shirt!
Seeing the fun vibe between the two, it looks like Anusha does indeed follow her own advice; Ranvijay even popped up on stage to ask her where exactly she got her inspiration (*cough cough*) for this song – Anusha reassured him that it wasn’t about him!

So we got to be among the first to hear Anusha’s new song and check out the video (it releases June 8th for everyone). Better Than Your Ex is a very girly pop song, and because we love girly pop in the MissMalini office, Amruta Khatavkar and I had a ball watching the video! Five seconds into the video, Amruta turned to me and very decisively pronounced her verdict: “I love it already!” We can’t wait for you to hear the song – we’ll let you know once it’s out and then maybe you can tell us if it puts you in that girly pop mood also? 🙂

What we also loved was Anusha’s outfit – we adored her punk Barbie look and especially those shoes that lit up! We couldn’t stop drooling over them (and we definitely got caught, more than once, *oops*), check out Amruta’s Get This Look post for a full break down of her outfit!
P.S., there was also an after-party, check out who came to celebrate with Anusha: