We love our anonymous tippers, but sometimes they really make us laugh. 🙂 Got an anonymous tip today from London about the Speedy Singhs photo call, and the tipper in question kept referring to Russell Peters as “Peter Russells” throughout the copy, hehe. But don’t tell Russell, guys – or somebody gonna get a hurt real bad. Nevertheless, the pix and gossip are awesome and exclusive for you guys, thank you anonymous tipper! We love you xoxo.

In case you hadn’t heard, Russell Peters made a comment saying that he “hates” Bollywood films. Then he proceeded to star in one with an Indian cast and produced by a Bollywood actor. So of course he was asked about that comment during the photo call, and he justified it by saying his parents never watched Bollywood films. According to him, most NRI kids grow up seeing their parents watching these films and therefore like them only because there’s the whole nostalgia factor to it. Umm, Russell – as a person who’s been an NRI all my life until 4 months ago, I can tell you that that’s not the reason I like Bollywood movies. (Plus there are tons of non-Indians who are totally into Bollywood too!) Not very good justification. Also, if his parents have never watched Bollywood films, how come his mom is such a big Anupam Kher fan?

How cute is Vinay Virmani? Really adorable. And I love his jacket!
Psst! Stick around and you’ll soon get to see MissMalini’s exclusive interview with him right here on the blog 🙂

So what are your thoughts on the pix and Russell Peters’ comment?