Didjya know that the two MAIN reasons I felt compelled to move to Mumbai from Delhi 11 years ago (after spending 6 years there) was: 1. the bright poppy neon lights that stayed on all night in Mumbai and 2. how easy and safe it was to get a cab!
So this blog is dedicated to Mumbai’s black & yellows (who are currently getting some smoker-flak ever since the 300rs fine on smoking ban has come into effect! I feel ya.) But really, have you ever noticed how colorful Mumbai taxi’s are on the inside? (And occasionally somewhat pimped out?!)
P.S. Props to you Sidd Coutto for the Taxi Song xoxo
My Top 3 Mumbai Taxis of all time.

Psst! Back in 2007 when Nowshad and I had just started dating we found endless entertainment on our cab rides 🙂

I’m making limited edition MissMalini umbrellas and if I like your picture you might just win yourself one 🙂
So quick! Post a pic of the funkiest thing you’ve seen (or next see) on your myriad Mumbai taxi rides right here on my Facebook Wall! xoxo