So I’m sure you know by now that we had an absolutely #epic night at MissMalini’s Cointreauversial Party last Sunday (with many blogs to prove it!) Also over 400 pictures on Facebook alone (hello trigger-happy!) But did you catch the fact that we also had a LIVE Twitter stream dedicated to the night? Yup! Anyone who hash-tagged their tweets #MMCointreau showed up in 70mm slap-bang on the screen above the dance-floor and Blue Frog, I for one think that’s pretty #badass and so I bring you this blog, a party for 200, but attended by thousands as it happened through a stream of twitter consciousness, I can feel the little geek in me jumping up and down with joy! Lol 🙂
P.S. Oh and if anyone can find me cute/funny Twitter tees I have been craving them since my birthday! I particularly like “I Tweeted Your Mom”, “Just Tweet It” and “Go Tweet Yourself” roflmao

Psst! Have you noticed how people tweet-out-loud stuff they would probably never say in person? Myself included lol.