Oooh idea! Why don’t you post your favorite random piece of trivia or a question in the comments below? Here’s mine: How many bubbles are there i a bottle of champagne?
Psst! Marilyn Monroe is said to have once taken a bath in the bubbly.  According to her biographer, it took 350 bottles to fill the tub.

Would I be showing my age if I told you that I grew up on the Bournvita Quiz Contest? Waaaaaaay before we had KBC we had BQC and we want it back! While the crew behind the campaign figure out their next move you can start by showing your support 🙂 There’s a whole movement on Facebook, join it! Bringbqcback.
P.S. Have you ever played You Don’t Know Jack? (You can thank me later for hours of hilarious entertainment!)