Check it out, check it out! My limited edition MissMalini.com Flips that a chosen few from the glitterati are now proud owners of! I know you’ve been dying for your own Flip Mino HD after the last run so here’s the deal;
Win a Flip! Post a comment below with which one desi celebrity you think should also have a MissMalini.com Flip and what you’d like them to shoot on it!
I personally would LOVE to give Aamir Khan a Flip Mino HD and have him just keep a random-thoughts vlog (kinda like in Avatar) just so I could know what goes on in that pretty dishy head of his. Mamu are you listening? 🙂 xoxo

Psst! Special props to Sheetal Sudhir for designing these super awesome MissMalini.com limited edition Flips for my famous friends 🙂 I’m looking forward to sharing their video inputs with you on my blog going forward stay tuned!