Guess what? Guess what? I’m so legit 🙂 yup starting next week you’ll see a (dare I say cute?!) new Bollywood reporter on desihits.com (an entertainment/lifestyle hub for anyone curious about Desi culture). That would be me, reporting from ground zero (so to speak) on all that’s juicy and jaw dropping on the Bollywood scene, that too in living color (I’ll do my best to look pretty, but I’m shy so be nice!) Plus a weekly round up of all that’s hot & happening in tinsel town and the geeks will get this, I get my own tab! How cool is that? If that means nothing to you, well lets see how shall I put this? Its sorta kinda like having your very own Channel on TV in this case MissMalini TV, get it? got it? Good! God I love my job. You’ll also be able to watch all the videos I take on my YouTube channel (so you might as well subscribe now dontchya think?) I MissMalini, do solemnly swear to report all the rumors & gossip I hear to the best of my ability and as fast as I can with the insider scoop. Now sing it with me… “who’s the hottest girl in the world? My desi girl, my desi girl!”