Psst! Didjya know they put a big ‘ol sponge type thing under your hair to get that bee hive effect? (Along with around 75 pins! Ouch.)

Thank you Redbull, Tuborg, Qua (Prateek I got pictures of Count Dracula as promised coming soon!) & Orangina (yummmmy fizzy drink now available/manufactured in India yay, Arjun what do I do to get my very own case?) And prepare to drool all over your desktop when you get your paws on these!

Salsa star Ashwin Mushran’s gorgeous Mrs. Rebecca Maria Vaz (they were rapper Kanye White and double-agent Etta James for the party) brought cupcakes! And these my friend were no ordinary cupcakes. They were individually-customized-with-boo-factor cupcakes and a mouthful of delicious! Here’s what I recommend; give her a holler and order something, cakes, brownies, cuppies you name it – you won’t regret it!