I know all the 14-year-olds are crazy about it but I don’t care ,so am I! I’m totally in LOVE with Twilight and have stayed up nights racing through the series dying to know what happens next (but also a little sad that when I finish book 4 its all over.) If you haven’t read a really great book in a while with an edgy love story and loads of vampire action you must read Twilight, then New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. If you’re not much of a reader then watch the movies (for once they’ve actually recreated the magic of the book verbatim!) Twilight is already out and New Moon comes out this November!

P.S. How hot is Edward Cullen? (aka Robert Pattinson) and am I crazy or wouldn’t Imran Khan be perfect for the Bollywood version? (Like if maybe he grew his hair a tiny bit…) He’s going to kill me for this tomorrow night isn’t he? Good, get into the character I say! 😉
Didjya know he has a bit part in Harry Potter as Cedric Diggory? Still playing a hottie!